Portland Therapist for Anxiety
photo by Carlos Valle
Despite your best efforts to hold it together, your worries just get larger and scarier. You’re white-knuckling it through daily activities that you think shouldn’t be so hard. You’re exhausted from having to put on a brave face for the people in your life when inside you’re afraid that you’re “going crazy” or “losing it.”
You want to share when you’re feeling anxious but, feeling like a raw nerve, you get defensive and frustrated. Other times you keep it to yourself and just shut down, not trusting that anyone or anything can help. You’re afraid and feeling alone when you need support the most.
You’ve gotten so familiar with being worried all the time that you think “that’s just who I am” or “there’s something wrong with me.” Lately you’ve noticed that anxious feeling getting worse and it seems like chaos is looming. Panic attacks have started and you have trouble catching your breath and you notice that you’ll get sweaty, your heart races, and want to jump out of your skin. You’ve started canceling plans and avoiding places where you’ve had panic attacks out of fear of them happening again. Your thoughts are racing from one worry to the next. You’re desperate for something to change and want help from someone who can understand the private hell you’ve been going through.
How I Can Help:
My name is Eric Goodwin and I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor in Portland, OR. I help people find relief from the pain of anxiety and develop ways to manage the anxiety and worry they experience. I know what it’s like to sit in the fire of anxiety and want to share that there is hope that things can get better! Early in our work we’ll explore ways to calm and feel safe when anxiety shows up through specific grounding techniques. You’ll gain more clarity and confidence as we explore the relationship between your thoughts, feelings and behaviors and where there’s room to change and grow. I bring in elements of self-compassion, mindfulness and your own strengths and creativity along with my calm, soothing, and deliberate counseling style.
For 10 years, I have worked with people who experience anxiety and panic attacks (and lots and lots of worrying) to change their relationship with anxiety so that it no longer inhibits them from living the life they choose. Even after the first session people will share what a relief it is to finally be taking action and finding support. With more confidence in managing anxiety, clients have found more ease in their relationships, their careers and exploring all of the activities they love!
Eric Goodwin, Portland Therapist and Licensed Professional Counselor for Anxiety
Getting Help for Anxiety:
If you’re ready to get some relief from the anxiety and worry that’s gripped you for too long now, call me at 971.533.5590 for a free 15-minute consultation. Let’s work together to bring peace to those worries!